Saturday, February 27, 2010

solution of the cholesterol clogged blood vessels

1 comment:

  1. Garlic cure supported
    West German researchers have a Solution to cholesterol clogged blood vessels. It is garlic. Old wives have for centuries claimed that garlic cures many ills from snake bites to toothache. Now, according to Professor Hans Reuter, of Cologne, there is proof that garlic helps to clear the fat accumulating in the blood vessels of those who eat rich food, so reducing the danger of heart attacks. Tests showed that volunteers fed on butter containing 50 grams of garlic oil had a cholesterol level considerably lower than that of a control group fed on butter without garlic. In another experiment, patients ate three grams of raw garlic a day. After four weeks their cholesterol level fell markedly. According to Professor Renter, garlic not only drives out unwanted fats in blood. Tests indicated that the herb also kills other bacteria, among them those causing diphtheria and tuberculosis. Professor Reuter said garlic was in some cases more effective than penicillin. To get the full benefit. you must use fresh garlic. Garlic powder won't work any medicinal miracles, since the plant loses its healing properties when processed.
